Thursday 17 September 2015

Signs to Indicate You’re not having a Good Diet, Order @ Online Grocery Store in Gurgaon - Spice n Pulses

Summery - The primary goal is to achieve optimal health. The fact should not be neglected whether you’re slimming down or preparing for an event or both. The matter of most concern here is that you should feel well on physical and emotional levels. This is possible only when you have a healthy relationship with food – order at online grocery store inGurgaon, Spice n Pulses - of your body. If you think that it is not the case with you, you should try to make it happen. Even if you need support to get there, you should take it.
Do you feel exhausted than revived after workout? The reason lies behind may be that you are not eating enough thus not getting enough energy than you are expending, order at online grocery store in Gurgaon – Spice n Pulses. Below 5 points are being figured out to help you ramp up your routine.  

As per a study, number of female athletes has grown by 560% among high school students and nearly 1000% among college students. This is a very good news because athletics can lead to lifelong benefits to girl’s/women’s health and self-esteem.
But with this rise in participation, a syndrome named Female Athlete Triad has also grown as the major problem. The most common cause to this syndrome is under eating in relation considering the amount of workout you do. As per a nutritionist, having diet in relation to your exercise is essential. If your diet is not proportionate to your workout, your body will not be able to resist the syndrome. The same is applied to active women of different age groups of high school athletes, marathon running women and those in between.
The syndrome of female athlete triad can cause brittle bones and thus your performance gets affected. The seriousness of triad is more in those women who are suffering from eating disorder that restricts their bodies from getting required nutrient amount.
Women hesitate in making changes in their diet plan with the fear of weight gain also couples with the above mentioned fact.
For your help, these 5 indications will clear you about why you are falling short of your nutrient needs, additionally solutions for striking a better balance. 

1.If you avoid eating post workout…

Most of the women who do workout don’t eat post workout under the impression of the thought that it will cancel their calorie burn and will add to their weight. They need to understand that it is not like calorie come and calorie go.The time you are done with your workout, your body needs nutrients to initiate the healing process. In this, consumption of healthy foods like green veggies, avocado omelet, and fruits will immensely help in repairing damaged cells after the workout. 

2. If you are tired all the time…

The reasons are several from stress, lack of sleep and under eating for your feeling fatigue. Even at the times you rest, your body also needs calories for the internal physical functions of heart beat, lung breath and blood circulation. As per the general rule of thumb, in an inactive state your body needs about 10 calories for every body-weight pound and additional 400-500 calories for an hour cardio exercise, plus normal activities for everyday living. 

3.If you’re not having regular periods… 

This is a big caution. Thoughthere are different reasons for irregular periods yet it is an indication that you’re not having enough nutrients to maintain proper hormone level. This is not right as well to relate the problem with the over or under weight. Even the problem is with those women as well who have a normal BMI.

4. If you’re sick too often…

Lack of nutrition can weaken your immunity system. In this, the bottom line is – having green juice, vitamin C or Zinc supplements can’t fulfill inadequacy of food. Here you have to see whether you catch every flu and cold come along. Also you should take your diet seriously. Even you can clear things with this simple question to a woman next to you – Will you prefer eating what I eat? Your hesitation in asking the same question will let you know just how much you have restricted yourself. 

5. If you’re afraid of food…

There are plenty of unhealthy foods that you should avoid eating. Also you should know the difference between eating clean and healthful foods and becoming food obsessive. The reasons may vary you don’t want to eat are – becoming restrictive, not willing to give up your control over food, or trying to avoid social situations or trying to eat as per your self-esteem – under these situations, you need to talk with a professional.
As per a study done over number of women who are on strive having 1200 calorie a day which is as less as 35% what their body exactly need to function properly, reveals that they are more prone to get the effects like irritability to low energy, moodiness, sleepiness and trouble concentrating. In fact, it will be your body asking you why you’re not giving me enough I need to do everything? 

About The Author 

The author works for Spice n Pulses – an online grocery store in Gurgaon. He is related with the store for 5 years and promotes its products through his content written over.

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